
Designing “The breakout” the game!

When we all congregated together me, Noah, Zeke and Luke (the dream team) for the first time we all just new that whatever we made was going to be fantabulous. First thing we had to discuss was what type of game we should make, but the discussion didn’t last long we all had our hearts set on a platform game. Our ideas for the story line of the game were flying back and forth in every area of gaming

creating a female character for our game – Zeke

1. Design & Research

doing research into other games and their female characters revealed to me that in many games female characters are perverted. we did not want to do this so i continued research into other games such as Mario kart in order to gather inspiration.

2. Implementation

these designs gave me the inspiration in order to design an age appropriate character

3. Playtesting

4. Evaluating

the program we used to design is a relatively basic and limited program the character that was designed is quite basic and low quality. if we had a more advanced program, a way to implement it and lessons on how to use it i could have created something more advanced.

game makin